Welcome! Saint Louis Parish is a Catholic community committed to loving God and others and growing in our Roman Catholic faith. Whether you are a new face or an old friend there is room for all as we seek our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

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Raffle for Rome Jubilee Pilgrimage with Msgr. Kruse: Everyone is invited to participate in a raffle drawing for a free Pilgrimage to Rome. Each raffle ticket costs $50. Only 250 tickets will be sold. There are four prizes: One Pilgrimage Trip ($4,400 cash); One Pilgrimage Trip ($4,400); $250 Cash. $250 Cash. Tickets may be purchased at the Parish Office or by contacting Msgr. Kruse. The Raffle Drawing will be held on Sunday, April 27th. Indi viduals may purchase as many tickets as desired. See complete rules of the Pilgrimage Raffle.