Liturgical Living Resources
What is liturgical living? The Catholic Church celebrates a cycle of seasons each year, with various feast days, times of celebration, and times to grow and prepare. Decorations in the church can show us what season we're in; for example, the Advent wreath shows us that we're in a season of preparing for Christmas. In the same way, how we decorate and what we do at home can help us connect to the seasons and celebrations of the Church. Do you hang up stocking for St. Nicholas Day, or eat Irish food for St. Patrick's Day? Have you ever sent someone a Valentine? Do you feast on Fat Tuesday or fast from something during Lent? Then you've already started to practice liturgical living!
The resources below provide some more ideas for bringing the seasons and celebrations of the Church into your home. Almost every day is the feast day of some saint, which you can celebrate with special foods or activities. You can also set up your own prayer table, decorated with religious artwork and the current liturgical color. The rich cultural and historical traditions of the Church provide endless ideas for bringing the beauty of our faith into your family's daily life!