Save the date!!
Religious education classes will resume the week of September 10.
Registration forms will be available in the parish main office later this summer. The cost to register is $30 for one child, $45 for two children, and $60 for families of three or more. Please return completed forms and payment to the main office (616 S. Gosse Blvd.) or to Rebekah Mead. Registration for each session is on a first come, first served basis.
We look forward to growing in faith with your children this year! If you are interested in growing with us, we are currently in need of volunteers at all levels. Please contact Rebekah Mead (815-303-2330, stl.rebekahmead@gmail.com) with any questions or concerns.
A little info about our religious education programs:
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a Montessori-based program for children ages 3-12. It seeks to foster the unique relationship that exists between God and each child through a prayerful environment (the Atrium), scripture-based presentations, and interactive work. Some of the key topics presented include parables of the Kingdom of Heaven, understanding what happens at Mass, God’s work throughout salvation history, and Christ’s love for each child, especially as revealed through the parable of the Good Shepherd. Level 1 (3 years old - kindergarten) is taught by Bethany Brigham. Levels 2 (1st and 3rd grade) and 3 (4th-6th grade) are taught by Rebekah Mead.
Signs of Grace (2nd grade sacramental prep) is a two-part program that prepares children for a profound encounter with Jesus in the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Part 1, You Are Forgiven, and Part 2, You Are Loved, help children and their families discover the love and mercy of Christ as revealed through sacred scripture and the rich teaching of the Catholic Church. Sacramental prep is taught by Rebekah Mead.
Chosen (Confirmation prep) uses a student workbook, videos featuring engaging Catholic speakers, and classroom discussion to present the faith in a rich, relatable format. Teens are introduced more deeply to the sacraments, saints, prayer, morality, the Holy Spirit, and other key topics. They are shown that the sacraments, prayer, and discipleship are the keys to the joy and fullness of life to which God is calling them. 7th grade is taught by Rita Tracy, and 8th grade is taught by Msgr. Kruse.