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Pastor: Msgr. James E. Kruse, JCL  - 
Deacon: Deacon John Murphy -
Administrative Assistant:  Paula Lough-
Business Manager: Renee Toomey -

Religious Education Coordinator Rebekah Mead -

Catechetical Assistant - Bethany Bringham

RCIA and Project Coordinator: Susanna Prushinski -

Music Director Matthew Ernat -

Magi Baby Chest Director:  Jessica Murphy -

Magi Baby Chest Asst. Director:  Ashley Gray -

Maintenance:  Tim Hermeyer

Janitorial: Tim, Aggie, and Emily Smith


Bulletin Paula Lough - Announcements must be submitted before 12 noon on Tuesday before the weekend to be published.  They should be concise and are subject to editing.   Liturgical Publications, Inc is the bulletin printer (800-950-9952).  Advertising in the bulletin helps support the parish. 


Agriculture Committee Advisor: Dan Legner 
Oversees the general functioning of the two farms St Louis Parish owns and advises the pastor on related matters . Meets quarterly and whenever necessary.
Altar Server Scheduler: Jennifer Scully
Church Decorators Coordinator: Mrs. Rita Tracey
Church Lector Program Coordinator: Julie Hassler

Church Sacristan Coordinator: Mandy Robinson
Confirmation Preparation:  Rebekah Mead
Altar & Rosary Society President:  Mandy Robinson

EMHC Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Coordinator: Mandy Robinson
Finance Committee President: Chuck Hanson  This committee assists the pastor in using wisely the monies of the parish as well as short-term and long-term financial planning for the well-being of the parish.  It closely reviews parish financial statements and publishes yearly reports to the parishioners.  It also assists in the preparation for the annual financial report to the Diocese of Peoria.  Meets quarterly and whenever necessary. 

Knights of Columbus Grand Knight: Tim Smith
Parish Trustees: Dan Legner & Mary Paula Schmitt  Appointed by the Bishop of Peoria and, together with the pastor, make up the executive committee of the parish.  They offer advice on sensitive issues, bring special issues to the attention of the pastor, and serve as resources for the pastor on a variety of matters, especially those affecting the parish’s long-term well-being.  
Prayer Support Circle (Prayer Chain) Leaders: Pam Hanson

Parish Grounds Gardening Coordinators:  Julie Hassler &  Al Taylor
Respect Life Committee Director: Rita Tracey

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