Dear St. Louis Parishioners,
This weekend, the Lectionary takes us on a new adventure, as we begin reading through John 6, that famous chapter which every Catholic should allow to take root in their hearts. The chapter begins, as we hear this week, with the multiplication of the loaves and culminates with how our Lord uses this as an opportunity to teach about the Eucharist to come. Many came to Christ hungry for truth. He fed this hunger until their bodies grew weary. Then, in satisfying their bodily hunger with the miracle of the loaves (front cover), He revealed a glimpse of His glory as the long-awaited Messiah. Yet, He would not let them make Him king, after their own understanding. There is value to remaining in that hunger which keeps us open to the Lord, looking to Him with patience and trust in His holy will. That hunger led them back to Him, so that He could invite them to hunger for the Bread of Life. As we gather to worship Him, at the altar where He feeds us with the Bread of Life, may our hunger for Him grow, that we may learn to patiently wait upon His will with greater love and trust.
VISITING PRIEST: Next Sunday, Father Fabien will have the opportunity to make an appeal at Mass. I continue to be impressed and grateful when I see the generosity that you all display. Thank you in advance for your support of their mission.
THE LORD BUILDS THE HOUSE (PSALM 127): Coming to know ourselves as beloved sons and daughters of the Father is the first step toward coming to know ourselves as members of a household, which is in constant need of attention. Far too often, when we hear the words “parish renewal” we think of it as a new project or a moment in time. I consider it an ongoing reality. For this reason, the preaching series I promised last week (starting August 11th) will be focused on the spiritual dispositions that every parishioner should work to foster within themselves, if we are to be faithful laborers, who allow the Lord to build the house (the parish family) and to support it, to keep it strong and sturdy. I will give even more details in next week’s bulletin, to help us get ready. For now, I encourage you to begin to pray about the fact that our mission of building up the community, by making disciples of Jesus Christ, is rooted in a sense of identity, which is rooted in relationship. RELATIONSHIP → IDENTITY → MISSION. Our deepest and truest identity is found in knowing ourselves as a child of God and a member of the Body of Christ, the Church. Identity is rooted in relationship, in communion. It is out of this understanding of our identity that our mission flows. May we all turn to the Lord in prayer, in order to deepen this sense of who we are and ultimately to become who we are.
TOTUS TUUS THANK YOU: What an awesome week of Totus Tuus we had! It was such a joy to see so much of our parish family coming together throughout the week, and of course to see our halls filled with so many of our children, running and playing and making a joyful noise before the Lord! I want to extend a big thank you to all who helped make Totus Tuus and our Vacation Bible School (for the preschool children) such a success. So much work went into the supervision of the children and of the activities themselves, as well as the hosting of our four young missionaries, who made up the Totus Tuus Team - Tom, Jack, Madison and Antonia will always have a home here. Most especially, I want to thank Lori Atilano, the Smith Family, and the Lough Family, who were key volunteers for Totus Tuus, Donna Milliron, Laury Mavity, and Mary Jo Gustafson for all of their work with Vacation Bible School, and last but not least, a huge thank you to Caylee Kennedy, who did a marvelous job in her first year as parish coordinator of Totus Tuus. Thanks to all who gave of their time, talent, and treasure in various ways, and for everyone for your prayers!
In Christ through Mary,
Fr. Gifford
St. Louis, pray for us!
Blessed Mary, Queen Mother of the King of Kings, pray for us!